Address: Po Haripur Kalan Raiwala Distt Dehradun Uttaranchal
This 29 year old Private school is 4625th best school of India.Bhagirathi Vidyalaya follows the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) curriculum in its class rooms. NCERT is autonomous organization of the Union Government of India and their curriculum framework is globally accepted. NCERT curriculum is famous for its edge in various competitive exams in India.
Bhagirathi Vidyalaya is affiliated from Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). CBSE is most widely accepted education board for public and private schools, under the Government of India. CBSE board affiliation code for this school is 3530179.
This is the one we call bad school or performance wise poor school. Results are so bad that there are very few schools which are worse than this school, admission in this school shall be avoided at all costs. School teachers do not care much about teaching, management does not know if school exists. If you are even thinking to get educated from here our suggestion is to stay away, If you are already getting education from here then we feel sorry for, you our best advice for you is to look for you is to look for some better school next year, as this school is just waste of time on name of education.
Affiliated Board
Phone Number
0135 2485314
School Address
Po Haripur Kalan Raiwala Distt Dehradun Uttaranchal
Year of Establishment
School Status
Senior Secondary
Angels Educational Society
CBSE Affiliation
India Rank
4625 out of 5595 CBSE Schools
151 out of 212 CBSE Schools in UTTARANCHAL