Ryan International SchoolA-i Udyog Kunj Hapur Delhi Bye Pass Road Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh Ryan International School is 61st best school around Ghaziabad It is 958th best school in India and it is 94th best school in Uttar Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is A2, that being said this school is excellent in compare to other schools, A2 rating is given to only top notch schools. There are rare schools which are better than these schools in fact schools with rating of A1 are the only schools which shall be considered better than A2 rated school. Ryan International School is one of the top 100 schools near Ghaziabad. Ryan International School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2130599. Overall this school scores 9 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 122 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 77.65%. More |
Manav Rachan International SchoolSector 14 Faridabad Haryana Manav Rachan International School is 62nd best school around Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh It is 961st best school in India and it is 58th best school in Haryana.BestSchool rating for this school is A2, that being said this school is excellent in compare to other schools, A2 rating is given to only top notch schools. There are rare schools which are better than these schools in fact schools with rating of A1 are the only schools which shall be considered better than A2 rated school. Manav Rachan International School is one of the top 100 schools near Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh. Manav Rachan International School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 530033. Overall this school scores 9 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 105 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 77.63%. More |
Bal Bhavan Public SchoolPocket B Phase 2 Mayur Vihar Delhi Bal Bhavan Public School is 63rd best school around Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh It is 1003rd best school in India and it is 100th best school in Delhi.BestSchool rating for this school is A2, that being said this school is excellent in compare to other schools, A2 rating is given to only top notch schools. There are rare schools which are better than these schools in fact schools with rating of A1 are the only schools which shall be considered better than A2 rated school. Bal Bhavan Public School is one of the top 100 schools near Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh. Bal Bhavan Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2730104. Overall this school scores 9 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 120 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 77.38%. More |
Tagore International SchoolE-block East Of Kailash New Delhi Tagore International School is 64th best school around Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh It is 1040th best school in India and it is 104th best school in Delhi.BestSchool rating for this school is A2, that being said this school is excellent in compare to other schools, A2 rating is given to only top notch schools. There are rare schools which are better than these schools in fact schools with rating of A1 are the only schools which shall be considered better than A2 rated school. Tagore International School is one of the top 100 schools near Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh. Tagore International School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2730084. Overall this school scores 9 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 110 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 77.18%. More |
Bharti Public SchoolSwasthya Vihar Delhi Bharti Public School is 65th best school around Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh It is 1051st best school in India and it is 106th best school in Delhi.BestSchool rating for this school is A2, that being said this school is excellent in compare to other schools, A2 rating is given to only top notch schools. There are rare schools which are better than these schools in fact schools with rating of A1 are the only schools which shall be considered better than A2 rated school. Bharti Public School is one of the top 100 schools near Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh. Bharti Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2730185. Overall this school scores 9 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 215 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 77.16%. More |
Ryan International SchoolC-8 Vasant Kunj New Delhi Ryan International School is 66th best school around Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh It is 1063rd best school in India and it is 107th best school in Delhi.BestSchool rating for this school is A2, that being said this school is excellent in compare to other schools, A2 rating is given to only top notch schools. There are rare schools which are better than these schools in fact schools with rating of A1 are the only schools which shall be considered better than A2 rated school. Ryan International School is one of the top 100 schools near Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh. Ryan International School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2730239. Overall this school scores 9 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 231 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 77.07%. More |
K D B Public SchoolOld Kavi Nagar Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh K D B Public School is 67th best school around Ghaziabad It is 1081st best school in India and it is 106th best school in Uttar Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is A2, that being said this school is excellent in compare to other schools, A2 rating is given to only top notch schools. There are rare schools which are better than these schools in fact schools with rating of A1 are the only schools which shall be considered better than A2 rated school. K D B Public School is one of the top 100 schools near Ghaziabad. K D B Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2130023. Overall this school scores 9 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 279 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 76.96%. More |
Greenway Modern SchoolBetween Pockets A & D Dilshad Garden Delhi Greenway Modern School is 68th best school around Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh It is 1089th best school in India and it is 108th best school in Delhi.BestSchool rating for this school is A2, that being said this school is excellent in compare to other schools, A2 rating is given to only top notch schools. There are rare schools which are better than these schools in fact schools with rating of A1 are the only schools which shall be considered better than A2 rated school. Greenway Modern School is one of the top 100 schools near Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh. Greenway Modern School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2730216. Overall this school scores 9 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 333 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 76.93%. More |
Assisi Convent SchoolA-43 Sector - 33 Noida Uttar Pradesh Assisi Convent School is 69th best school around Ghaziabad It is 1105th best school in India and it is 107th best school in Uttar Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is A2, that being said this school is excellent in compare to other schools, A2 rating is given to only top notch schools. There are rare schools which are better than these schools in fact schools with rating of A1 are the only schools which shall be considered better than A2 rated school. Assisi Convent School is one of the top 100 schools near Ghaziabad. Assisi Convent School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2130189. Overall this school scores 9 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 140 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 76.86%. More |
D A V Public SchoolSector Ii T H A Rajinder Nagar P O Sahibabad Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh D A V Public School is 70th best school around Ghaziabad It is 1209th best school in India and it is 120th best school in Uttar Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is B1, i.e. performance wise this schools comes in category of good schools, Schools which are rated as A1 or A2 are better than B1 rated school but frankly A1 and A2 rated school are quite rare, which makes B1 rated schools are quite desirable as well. D A V Public School is one of the top 100 schools near Ghaziabad. D A V Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2130069. Overall this school scores 8 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 279 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 76.29%. More |