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Top CBSE Board schools of Munger Bihar


Address on Map

Albert Road Jamalpur Munger Distt Bihar

Notre Dame Academy is the best school that you may found near Munger It is 960th best school in India and it is 22nd best school in Bihar.
BestSchool rating for this school is A2, that being said this school is excellent in compare to other schools, A2 rating is given to only top notch schools. There are rare schools which are better than these schools in fact schools with rating of A1 are the only schools which shall be considered better than A2 rated school. Notre Dame Academy is one of the top 10 schools near Munger.

Notre Dame Academy is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 330003.
Overall this school scores 9 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 94 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 77.64%.

Ramankabad Po Haveli Karagpur Distt Munger Bihar

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is 2nd best school around Munger It is 2644th best school in India and it is 75th best school in Bihar.
BestSchool rating for this school is C1, this means this school comes in category of slightly above average school, i.e. this school is quite below the good school category but its not exactly an average school as well. A1, A2, B1 and B2 rated school shall be preferred over C1 rated school. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is one of the top 10 schools near Munger.

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 340030.
Overall this school scores 6 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 52 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 69.63%.

Rajendra Nagar P.o. Koshi College Khagaria Bihar

Shyamlal D A V Public School is 3rd best school around Munger It is 3380th best school in India and it is 108th best school in Bihar.
BestSchool rating for this school is D1, that being said this school comes in category of slightly below average school, e.i. performance comparison wise there are more number of better school than the worse schools and frankly D1 rated schools are only better than D2, E1, E2 rated school. Shyamlal D A V Public School is one of the top 10 schools near Munger.

Shyamlal D A V Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 330020.
Overall this school scores 4 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 33 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 66.16%.

Sheikhpura Distt Munger Bihar

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is 4th best school around Munger It is 3563rd best school in India and it is 117th best school in Bihar.
BestSchool rating for this school is D1, that being said this school comes in category of slightly below average school, e.i. performance comparison wise there are more number of better school than the worse schools and frankly D1 rated schools are only better than D2, E1, E2 rated school. Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is one of the top 10 schools near Munger.

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 340002.
Overall this school scores 4 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 69 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 65.33%.

Pipalpanti Road Munger Bihar

New Era Public School is 5th best school around Munger It is 3653rd best school in India and it is 122nd best school in Bihar.
BestSchool rating for this school is D1, that being said this school comes in category of slightly below average school, e.i. performance comparison wise there are more number of better school than the worse schools and frankly D1 rated schools are only better than D2, E1, E2 rated school. New Era Public School is one of the top 10 schools near Munger.

New Era Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 330163.
Overall this school scores 4 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 22 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 64.76%.

Shyam Lal Nagar, Khagaria Bihar

Kendriya Vidyalaya is 6th best school around Munger it is 1860th worst school in India and it is 128th best school in Bihar.
BestSchool rating for this school is D1, that being said this school comes in category of slightly below average school, e.i. performance comparison wise there are more number of better school than the worse schools and frankly D1 rated schools are only better than D2, E1, E2 rated school. Kendriya Vidyalaya is one of the top 10 schools near Munger.

Kendriya Vidyalaya is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 300031.
Overall this school scores 4 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 20 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 64.39%.

Jamalpur Munger Distt Bihar

Kendriya Vidyalaya is 7th best school around Munger it is 1830th worst school in India and additionally it is 63rd worst school in Bihar.
BestSchool rating for this school is D1, that being said this school comes in category of slightly below average school, e.i. performance comparison wise there are more number of better school than the worse schools and frankly D1 rated schools are only better than D2, E1, E2 rated school. Kendriya Vidyalaya is one of the top 10 schools near Munger.

Kendriya Vidyalaya is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 300006.
Overall this school scores 4 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 124 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 64.18%.

Sadipur Distt Monghyr Bihar

Saraswati Vidya Mandir is 8th best school around Munger it is 1696th worst school in India and additionally it is 55th worst school in Bihar.
BestSchool rating for this school is D1, that being said this school comes in category of slightly below average school, e.i. performance comparison wise there are more number of better school than the worse schools and frankly D1 rated schools are only better than D2, E1, E2 rated school. Saraswati Vidya Mandir is one of the top 10 schools near Munger.

Saraswati Vidya Mandir is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 330030.
Overall this school scores 4 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 137 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 63.36%.

Lakhi Sarai Munger Distt Bihar

Balika Vidya Peeth is 9th best school around Munger it is 1466th worst school in India and additionally it is 43rd worst school in Bihar.
BestSchool rating for this school is D2, i.e. this school comes in category of significantly below average schools. In fact this school is more close to be the poor school than to be the average school and only E1, E2 rated schools are worse than D2 rated schools. Balika Vidya Peeth is one of the top 10 schools near Munger.

Balika Vidya Peeth is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 330007.
Overall this school scores 3 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 77 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 61.97%.

Results 1 - 9 of 9