St. Ann's Eng. Med. SchoolButchirajupalem Visakhapatnam-530 027 St. Ann's Eng. Med. School is 11th best school around It is 571st best school in India and it is 11th best school in Andhra Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is B1, i.e. performance wise this schools comes in category of good schools, Schools which are rated as A1 or A2 are better than B1 rated school but frankly A1 and A2 rated school are quite rare, which makes B1 rated schools are quite desirable as well. St. Ann's Eng. Med. School is one of the top 100 schools near . St. Ann's Eng. Med. School is affiliated by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations and its ICSE board affiliation code is AP049. Overall this school scores 8 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 92 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 81.17%. More |
Sri Sathya Sai Gurukulam E.m. SchoolRajahmundry East Godavari-533 101 Sri Sathya Sai Gurukulam E.m. School is 12th best school around It is 580th best school in India and it is 12th best school in Andhra Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is B2, this indicates that among other schools this school is significantly above average school however its slightly below good school. A1, A2 and B1 rated schools are considered better than B2 rated school. Sri Sathya Sai Gurukulam E.m. School is one of the top 100 schools near . Sri Sathya Sai Gurukulam E.m. School is affiliated by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations and its ICSE board affiliation code is AP037. Overall this school scores 7 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 28 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 81.09%. More |
Siva Sivani Public School# 7 - 1 - 43, Kirlampudi Layout Visakhapatnam-530 023 Siva Sivani Public School is 13th best school around It is 604th best school in India and it is 13th best school in Andhra Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is B2, this indicates that among other schools this school is significantly above average school however its slightly below good school. A1, A2 and B1 rated schools are considered better than B2 rated school. Siva Sivani Public School is one of the top 100 schools near . Siva Sivani Public School is affiliated by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations and its ICSE board affiliation code is AP072. Overall this school scores 7 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 66 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 80.73%. More |
De Paul SchoolSector Viii Ukkunagaram Visakhapatnam-530 032 De Paul School is 14th best school around It is 615th best school in India and it is 14th best school in Andhra Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is B2, this indicates that among other schools this school is significantly above average school however its slightly below good school. A1, A2 and B1 rated schools are considered better than B2 rated school. De Paul School is one of the top 100 schools near . De Paul School is affiliated by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations and its ICSE board affiliation code is AP084. Overall this school scores 7 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 149 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 80.64%. More |
Little Flower English Medium SchoolVidya Nagar Guntur-522 007 Little Flower English Medium School is 15th best school around It is 633rd best school in India and it is 15th best school in Andhra Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is B2, this indicates that among other schools this school is significantly above average school however its slightly below good school. A1, A2 and B1 rated schools are considered better than B2 rated school. Little Flower English Medium School is one of the top 100 schools near . Little Flower English Medium School is affiliated by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations and its ICSE board affiliation code is AP004. Overall this school scores 7 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 174 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 80.52%. More |
Vijayavani Residential SchoolVijaya Vani Nagar Chowdepalle Chowdepalle Chittoor-517 257 Vijayavani Residential School is 16th best school around It is 692nd best school in India and it is 16th best school in Andhra Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is B2, this indicates that among other schools this school is significantly above average school however its slightly below good school. A1, A2 and B1 rated schools are considered better than B2 rated school. Vijayavani Residential School is one of the top 100 schools near . Vijayavani Residential School is affiliated by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations and its ICSE board affiliation code is AP002. Overall this school scores 7 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 30 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 79.66%. More |
St. Joseph's Girls' High SchoolWaltair R.s. Visakhapatnam-530 004 St. Joseph's Girls' High School is 17th best school around It is 698th best school in India and it is 17th best school in Andhra Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is B2, this indicates that among other schools this school is significantly above average school however its slightly below good school. A1, A2 and B1 rated schools are considered better than B2 rated school. St. Joseph's Girls' High School is one of the top 100 schools near . St. Joseph's Girls' High School is affiliated by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations and its ICSE board affiliation code is AP046. Overall this school scores 7 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 95 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 79.61%. More |
Kotak Salesian SchoolChinna Waltair Visakhapatnam-530 017 Kotak Salesian School is 18th best school around It is 700th best school in India and it is 18th best school in Andhra Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is B2, this indicates that among other schools this school is significantly above average school however its slightly below good school. A1, A2 and B1 rated schools are considered better than B2 rated school. Kotak Salesian School is one of the top 100 schools near . Kotak Salesian School is affiliated by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations and its ICSE board affiliation code is AP050. Overall this school scores 7 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 59 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 79.56%. More |
The Hyderabad Public SchoolOpp. Rims Putlampalle Cuddapah Kadapa-516 002 The Hyderabad Public School is 19th best school around It is 787th best school in India and it is 19th best school in Andhra Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is C1, this means this school comes in category of slightly above average school, i.e. this school is quite below the good school category but its not exactly an average school as well. A1, A2, B1 and B2 rated school shall be preferred over C1 rated school. The Hyderabad Public School is one of the top 100 schools near . The Hyderabad Public School is affiliated by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations and its ICSE board affiliation code is AP100. Overall this school scores 6 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 42 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 78.63%. More |
St. Ann's Convent SchoolP.o. Pathapatnam Srikakulam-532 213 St. Ann's Convent School is 20th best school around It is 815th best school in India and it is 20th best school in Andhra Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is C1, this means this school comes in category of slightly above average school, i.e. this school is quite below the good school category but its not exactly an average school as well. A1, A2, B1 and B2 rated school shall be preferred over C1 rated school. St. Ann's Convent School is one of the top 100 schools near . St. Ann's Convent School is affiliated by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations and its ICSE board affiliation code is AP034. Overall this school scores 6 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 110 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 78.33%. More |