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Top Schools of Kotla Mubarakpur New Delhi Delhi


Address on Map

Lajpat Nagar Iv South Delhi-110 024

The Frank Anthony Public School is 21st best school around Kotla Mubarakpur New It is 1086th best school in India and awesome fact is that this school is the best school in whole Delhi.
BestSchool rating for this school is C2, which means this school is neither good nor bad, there are equal number of good and bad school in compare to this school. This school comes in category of average schools. C2 rated schools are better than D1, D2, E1 and E2 rated schools and at the same time they are worse than A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1 rated schools in general. The Frank Anthony Public School is one of the top 100 schools near Kotla Mubarakpur New.

The Frank Anthony Public School is affiliated by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations and its ICSE board affiliation code is DE001.
Overall this school scores 5 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 209 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 75.24%.

Laxmi Bai Nagar New Delhi

Navyug School Ndmc is 22nd best school around Kotla Mubarakpur New It is 3328th best school in India and additionally it is 89th worst school in Delhi.
BestSchool rating for this school is C2, which means this school is neither good nor bad, there are equal number of good and bad school in compare to this school. This school comes in category of average schools. C2 rated schools are better than D1, D2, E1 and E2 rated schools and at the same time they are worse than A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1 rated schools in general. Navyug School Ndmc is one of the top 100 schools near Kotla Mubarakpur New.

Navyug School Ndmc is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2730308.
Overall this school scores 5 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 76 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 66.41%.

E-331 A East Of Kailash New Delhi

Daisy Dales Sr Sec School is 23rd best school around Kotla Mubarakpur New it is 1767th worst school in India and additionally it is 65th worst school in Delhi.
BestSchool rating for this school is D1, that being said this school comes in category of slightly below average school, e.i. performance comparison wise there are more number of better school than the worse schools and frankly D1 rated schools are only better than D2, E1, E2 rated school. Daisy Dales Sr Sec School is one of the top 100 schools near Kotla Mubarakpur New.

Daisy Dales Sr Sec School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2730212.
Overall this school scores 4 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 93 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 63.86%.

I-avenue Sarojini Nagar New Delhi

N D M C Navayug School is 24th best school around Kotla Mubarakpur New it is 1323rd worst school in India and additionally it is 49th worst school in Delhi.
BestSchool rating for this school is D2, i.e. this school comes in category of significantly below average schools. In fact this school is more close to be the poor school than to be the average school and only E1, E2 rated schools are worse than D2 rated schools. N D M C Navayug School is one of the top 100 schools near Kotla Mubarakpur New.

N D M C Navayug School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2730004.
Overall this school scores 3 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 118 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 60.94%.

Defence Colony, New Delhi

Dr. Radha Krishnan International School is 25th best school around Kotla Mubarakpur New it is 667th worst school in India and additionally it is 17th worst school in Delhi.
BestSchool rating for this school is E1, which means this school comes in category of poor school. This kind of school shall be avoided when ever its possible. Only E2 rated school are worse than E1 rated schools. Dr. Radha Krishnan International School is one of the top 100 schools near Kotla Mubarakpur New.

Dr. Radha Krishnan International School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2730099.
Overall this school scores 2 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 146 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 54.69%.

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