Kendriya Vidyalaya14 Gtc Subathu Solan Distt Himachal Pradesh Kendriya Vidyalaya is 4361st best school around India it is 1234th worst school in India and additionally it is 13th worst school in Himachal Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is D2, i.e. this school comes in category of significantly below average schools. In fact this school is more close to be the poor school than to be the average school and only E1, E2 rated schools are worse than D2 rated schools. . Kendriya Vidyalaya is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 600004. Overall this school scores 3 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 44 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 60.20%. More |
Saraswati Bal Mandir SchoolJ-8 Rajouri Garden Extn New Delhi Saraswati Bal Mandir School is 4362nd best school around India it is 1233rd worst school in India and additionally it is 45th worst school in Delhi.BestSchool rating for this school is D2, i.e. this school comes in category of significantly below average schools. In fact this school is more close to be the poor school than to be the average school and only E1, E2 rated schools are worse than D2 rated schools. . Saraswati Bal Mandir School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2730127. Overall this school scores 3 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 83 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 60.20%. More |
Guru Dronacharya Public SchoolVill Manohar Pur Safidon Road Jind Haryana Guru Dronacharya Public School is 4363rd best school around India it is 1232nd worst school in India and additionally it is 146th worst school in Haryana.BestSchool rating for this school is D2, i.e. this school comes in category of significantly below average schools. In fact this school is more close to be the poor school than to be the average school and only E1, E2 rated schools are worse than D2 rated schools. . Guru Dronacharya Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 530501. Overall this school scores 3 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 24 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 60.18%. More |
Mohini Devi Memorial SchoolAt & Po Araria, Bihar Mohini Devi Memorial School is 4364th best school around India it is 1231st worst school in India and additionally it is 28th worst school in Bihar.BestSchool rating for this school is D2, i.e. this school comes in category of significantly below average schools. In fact this school is more close to be the poor school than to be the average school and only E1, E2 rated schools are worse than D2 rated schools. . Mohini Devi Memorial School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 330170. Overall this school scores 3 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 68 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 60.16%. More |
Kendriya VidyalayaPaluwas Bhiwani Haryana Kendriya Vidyalaya is 4365th best school around India it is 1230th worst school in India and additionally it is 145th worst school in Haryana.BestSchool rating for this school is D2, i.e. this school comes in category of significantly below average schools. In fact this school is more close to be the poor school than to be the average school and only E1, E2 rated schools are worse than D2 rated schools. . Kendriya Vidyalaya is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 500018. Overall this school scores 3 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 42 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 60.16%. More |
St Lawrance Public SchoolNear Iti Chauraha Syamnagar Farrukhabad Uttar Pradesh St Lawrance Public School is 4366th best school around India it is 1229th worst school in India and it is 592nd best school in Uttar Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is D2, i.e. this school comes in category of significantly below average schools. In fact this school is more close to be the poor school than to be the average school and only E1, E2 rated schools are worse than D2 rated schools. . St Lawrance Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2130585. Overall this school scores 3 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 70 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 60.14%. More |
Remal Public SchoolBlock-a Pocket-2 Sector Iii Rohini Delhi Remal Public School is 4367th best school around India it is 1228th worst school in India and additionally it is 44th worst school in Delhi.BestSchool rating for this school is D2, i.e. this school comes in category of significantly below average schools. In fact this school is more close to be the poor school than to be the average school and only E1, E2 rated schools are worse than D2 rated schools. . Remal Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2730143. Overall this school scores 3 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 104 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 60.14%. More |
Lawrence International SchoolG T Road Bye-pass Jalandhar Po Chugittee Punjab Lawrence International School is 4368th best school around India it is 1227th worst school in India and additionally it is 72nd worst school in Punjab.BestSchool rating for this school is D2, i.e. this school comes in category of significantly below average schools. In fact this school is more close to be the poor school than to be the average school and only E1, E2 rated schools are worse than D2 rated schools. . Lawrence International School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 1630185. Overall this school scores 3 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 52 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 60.14%. More |
New St Stephens Public SchoolKalindi Vihar Agra Uttar Pradesh New St Stephens Public School is 4369th best school around India it is 1226th worst school in India and it is 593rd best school in Uttar Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is D2, i.e. this school comes in category of significantly below average schools. In fact this school is more close to be the poor school than to be the average school and only E1, E2 rated schools are worse than D2 rated schools. . New St Stephens Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2130515. Overall this school scores 3 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 166 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 60.13%. More |
Saraswati Shishu Vidya MandirBaghmara Po Navagarh Distt Dhanbad Jharkhand Saraswati Shishu Vidya Mandir is 4370th best school around India it is 1225th worst school in India and additionally it is 56th worst school in Jharkhand.BestSchool rating for this school is D2, i.e. this school comes in category of significantly below average schools. In fact this school is more close to be the poor school than to be the average school and only E1, E2 rated schools are worse than D2 rated schools. . Saraswati Shishu Vidya Mandir is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 3430161. Overall this school scores 3 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 46 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 60.13%. More |