Guru Harkrishan Public SchoolPhullewal Khurd Po Rahera Distt Sangrur Punjab Guru Harkrishan Public School is 5291st best school around India it is 304th worst school in India and additionally it is 10th worst school in Punjab.BestSchool rating for this school is E2, that means this school is one of the worst schools in India. Performance wise almost every school will be better than this school and such schools shall be avoided on all cost. . Guru Harkrishan Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 1630393. Overall this school scores 1 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 51 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 49.47%. More |
Rajni Public SchoolDibai Distt. Bulandshar Uttar Pradesh Rajni Public School is 5292nd best school around India it is 303rd worst school in India and additionally it is 69th worst school in Uttar Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is E2, that means this school is one of the worst schools in India. Performance wise almost every school will be better than this school and such schools shall be avoided on all cost. . Rajni Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2130201. Overall this school scores 1 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 134 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 49.46%. More |
Modern AcademyGulaothi Bulandshahar Uttar Pradesh Modern Academy is 5293rd best school around India it is 302nd worst school in India and additionally it is 68th worst school in Uttar Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is E2, that means this school is one of the worst schools in India. Performance wise almost every school will be better than this school and such schools shall be avoided on all cost. . Modern Academy is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2130628. Overall this school scores 1 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 81 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 49.43%. More |
Mohta Public SchoolRajgarh P O Sadulpur Distt Churu Rajasthan Mohta Public School is 5294th best school around India it is 301st worst school in India and additionally it is 2nd worst school in Rajasthan.BestSchool rating for this school is E2, that means this school is one of the worst schools in India. Performance wise almost every school will be better than this school and such schools shall be avoided on all cost. . Mohta Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 1730100. Overall this school scores 1 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 123 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 49.41%. More |
D P M Public SchoolBehsuma Mawana Road Po Behsuma Merrut Uttar Pradesh D P M Public School is 5295th best school around India it is 300th worst school in India and additionally it is 67th worst school in Uttar Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is E2, that means this school is one of the worst schools in India. Performance wise almost every school will be better than this school and such schools shall be avoided on all cost. . D P M Public School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2130475. Overall this school scores 1 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 110 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 49.39%. More |
Govt Model Sr Sec SchoolSect 27c Chandigarh Govt Model Sr Sec School is 5296th best school around India it is 299th worst school in India and additionally it is 14th worst school in Chandigarh.BestSchool rating for this school is E2, that means this school is one of the worst schools in India. Performance wise almost every school will be better than this school and such schools shall be avoided on all cost. . Govt Model Sr Sec School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2620019. Overall this school scores 1 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 305 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 49.39%. More |
Vivekanand High SchoolAdarsh Nagar Kunjpura Road Karnal Haryana Vivekanand High School is 5297th best school around India it is 298th worst school in India and additionally it is 25th worst school in Haryana.BestSchool rating for this school is E2, that means this school is one of the worst schools in India. Performance wise almost every school will be better than this school and such schools shall be avoided on all cost. . Vivekanand High School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 530113. Overall this school scores 1 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 98 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 49.38%. More |
St Ezra International SchoolVill Khanpur Kharar Ropar Punjab St Ezra International School is 5298th best school around India it is 297th worst school in India and additionally it is 9th worst school in Punjab.BestSchool rating for this school is E2, that means this school is one of the worst schools in India. Performance wise almost every school will be better than this school and such schools shall be avoided on all cost. . St Ezra International School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 1630431. Overall this school scores 1 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 26 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 49.35%. More |
Govt Sr. Secondary SchoolMangshila North Sikkim Po- Tingchim Govt Sr. Secondary School is 5299th best school around India it is 296th worst school in India and additionally it is 22nd worst school in Sikkim.BestSchool rating for this school is E2, that means this school is one of the worst schools in India. Performance wise almost every school will be better than this school and such schools shall be avoided on all cost. . Govt Sr. Secondary School is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 1820073. Overall this school scores 1 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 31 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 49.35%. More |
Columbia Convent InstituteMeerut Road Morta Ghaziabad Up Columbia Convent Institute is 5300th best school around India it is 295th worst school in India and additionally it is 66th worst school in Uttar Pradesh.BestSchool rating for this school is E2, that means this school is one of the worst schools in India. Performance wise almost every school will be better than this school and such schools shall be avoided on all cost. . Columbia Convent Institute is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education and its CBSE board affiliation code is 2130748. Overall this school scores 1 out of 10. Ranking and rating calculations are primarily based on results of 54 students who appeared on last year board exam and scored an average of 49.32%. More |